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Goodbye Letter to Alcohol Template Download Printable PDF

goodbye letter to alcohol examples

My new relationship with sobriety is by far the best one ever. I don’t know why I didn’t do it before. Maybe I was embarrassed to admit how much control I’d given you… But I was so desperate, I called someone I knew who was sober.

goodbye letter to alcohol examples

How long do these programs take?

I was the one that decided to have that first drink. I was the one that took that first snort of cocaine. The hardest thing for me to admit is that I did this all https://ecosoberhouse.com/article/5-great-tips-for-being-sober-around-drinkers/ to myself. The silver lining to our relationship is that I am stronger than I’ve ever been. My relationship with you, Addiction, made me a trophy of grace.

  • My relationship with you, Addiction, made me a trophy of grace.
  • End the letter with a strong, definitive closing.
  • My wife and friends tell me about how intense I got, and the horrible things I said.
  • As the newly married couple, our focus should remain solely on each other rather than on any rowdy guests.
  • Once I was with you, you wouldn’t take no for an answer.
  • It’s time for me to focus on my family.

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I don’t know when I stopped getting up in the morning. I don’t remember making that decision – it was just something that happened. This isn’t a letter that you are submitting for a grade in school. It is a personal goodbye letter to alcohol and drugs, as well as a physical acknowledgment of the damage they have caused. Do not get too caught up on perfect grammar, structure, or organization. It is understandable that the writer may be emotionally charged.

  • My bank account has never looked as good as it does.
  • Be that supportive voice you may need to hear at a future date.
  • Since this letter is not addressed to an actual person, it can be written as a journal entry, traditional letter, or whatever format that best fits you.
  • The guests are not permitted to speak at all during the ceremony, and the only toasts allowed are from the mothers of the bride and groom.
  • Now you’ve been out of my life for three years.
  • You don’t stop even when we are lying broken on the floor, crying and begging for mercy.

Don’t go! We can help.

I have been scared to let you go, but I realize now I will be leaving the worst of myself behind, and beginning a new chapter. At this point, I will make it my number one priority to keep you away. You are no longer welcome in my goodbye letter to alcohol examples life. No longer will you trample through my peaceful mind. Any time I had a moment of clarity and entertained the idea of recovery, you talked me out of it. You controlled everything, and it was for your own self-preservation.

Our Top Rehab FAQs

goodbye letter to alcohol examples

What is a Goodbye Letter to Addiction?

  • Yes, in the beginning, there were happy moments.
  • Yep, these are some of those not-good moments we had together.
  • These programs aim to break the cycle of addiction by addressing underlying issues and teaching coping mechanisms.
  • I see you clearly now for what you are.
  • But we understand it isn’t easy to write, particularly in the early going.

Set the Tone for the Goodbye Letter to Substance Abuse

goodbye letter to alcohol examples

Breaking Down Barriers to Substance Abuse Treatment: How to Overcome the Challenges

  • I wrote a break-up letter to Alcohol too, and the weight that lifted.
  • The entire team at Ingrained Recovery is with you along this way.
  • In fact, I was in debt because of you.
  • Then, one day, you pushed me into that grave and began covering me up.
  • If addiction has stolen your friendships, family, and job, Ingrained Recovery can help.

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